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Other cultures

Truck art in Pakistan

Do you like decorating your vehicles? We bet you do; even kids like their bikes decorated with colorful laces and bells. So is the case with Pakistani truck drivers. They spend a lot of money on decorating their trucks. Truck art depicts culture in Pakistan. Pakistan is a country which is close to nature. And Pakistani people takes their culture and traditions very seriously. Not all of them, but major cities and most of the cities among all of them in Pakistan, people love celebrating cultural festivals and keep presenting their culture occasionally.
Other cultures

How often people switch their jobs in Pakistan?

First things first, getting a job is never easy, at least not for everyone. No matter, which country you are living and finding job in. Especially if you are a fresh graduate. Finding jobs if you have just finished your bachelors is another thing, well, switching job is another.
Other cultures

Security and safety in Pakistan

When we talk about security, it’s the most considerable thing when you think about touring your own country or some other country. Security and safety are most wanted facilities you could ask for, while you are travelling.
Other cultures

Ways to learn online in Pakistan

Everything and every discussion starts with COVID-19 these days. This virus has affected our lives badly, and in many different ways. Along with troubling us in almost all aspects of life, it also taught us many things, staying clean and staying home with family.
Other cultures

Imran Khan Niazi – Prime minister of Pakistan

Imran Ahmed Khan Niazi is the most respectable person in Pakistan. People love him a lot and expects a lot from him since he became Prime minister of Pakistan. He is present Prime Minister of Pakistan. Imran khan is 2nd prime minister of Pakistan’s history, and chairman of political party PTI (Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf).
Book Review

Namal: A book you must read

Namal is an urdu novel, written by the great writer Umera Ahmed. A novel everyone needs to read. If you love reading, we bet you will never get enough of this novel, once you start it. Umera ahmed is a renowned author and screen writer of Pakistan. She has written many books and all of them were almost as good as this one, but you always get to choose your favorite and this one is popular.
Other cultures


Education is a building block and a baseline in upbringing of an individual as well as the development of a country. The educated manpower of a nation determines its prosperity and socio-economic evolution. The knowledgeable people have the potential to represent their culture in the whole world and compete with the modern age. Pakistan is one of the emerging educated manpower in the world where they outshine in almost every field.
Other cultures

Hot Business In Pakistan

Pakistan has the world’s fifth-largest population (212.2 million or 21 crores) within the world. A consumer’s market this massive is a chance for all forms of businesses. various studies show that many markets among Pakistan ar still untapped. These untapped markets gift an elegant business chance.
Other cultures

Side Business Culture in Pakistan

Whether it is to earn a little extra cash or to adapt it as a hobby, it is now more common for individuals in full-hours employment to take on a side business to complement their day job. 1 in 4 people does side business according to recent research. Side businesses are flexible.
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