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Other cultures

Cashless services in Mexico

The forms of payment have changed, probably many years ago the most common way of paying in exchange for an object, a food, or a service, was by means of salt, hence the word “salary”. But today, in 2021, salt is only used at the table. At present, technology has reached us and the idea of a life without technology is complicated, since it has made our existence so much easier that it even influences our economic life.
Other cultures

Situation of the delivery service in Mexico

The changes are perceived in all aspects of our life; food is no exception. Thousands of years ago, our ancestors went out to hunt, plant and cook what they produced, then certain people made food and others ate what others prepared, but evolution caught up with us and could not help influencing our food. And in our way of obtaining it, now it is enough to select the dish we want through an app and not only that, but it is not even necessary that you go out to pick it up, they send it to you personally.
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