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Other cultures

You never knew this about Indian health culture before! Japan- to –India

India is well known for its mystical, rich, and diverse culture all around the world since ages. But did you know about its surprising traditional health culture? Is it distinct or similar to Japan? You will find out here, keep reading! While the longing for true health, well-being, and longevity is universal for everyone whether Indians or Japanese, they are diverse in their beliefs and cultures that make it more interesting.
Other cultures

Side Business Culture in Pakistan

Whether it is to earn a little extra cash or to adapt it as a hobby, it is now more common for individuals in full-hours employment to take on a side business to complement their day job. 1 in 4 people does side business according to recent research. Side businesses are flexible.
Other cultures

Health culture of Sri Lanka

The culture or the believes, values, behavior, attitudes, and customs of a country influence greatly the health of the nation. Health culture can influence and determine the life expectancy, mortality, and morbidity rate within a country.
Learning Japanese

Which Airport is Cleanest !? Let’s learn Japanese

Which Airport is Cleanest !? Let's learn Japanese We lost opportunities to travel abroad this year (2020). But do...
Learning Japanese

Not Paris !? The number of Michelin-starred restaurants !

Have you ever minded about Michelin starred restaurants ? Michelin is the global tire manufacturer . They provide Guide book as well. And there is Guide book for Restaurants. Please read on if you are interested in Michelin guide and related Japanese words !
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