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Other cultures

Cashless services in Mexico

The forms of payment have changed, probably many years ago the most common way of paying in exchange for an object, a food, or a service, was by means of salt, hence the word “salary”. But today, in 2021, salt is only used at the table. At present, technology has reached us and the idea of a life without technology is complicated, since it has made our existence so much easier that it even influences our economic life.
Other cultures

Apple Pay ? or Google Pay ??

Before you dive into Apple Pay and Google Pay, it's important to understand the technologies behind these payment methods. Both operations are performed by teaching in a contactless manner.
Other cultures


Cash is king! This quote is facing a serious threat as Nigeria is marching towards becoming a cashless society. The recent trends suggest that digital money will soon replace physical cash in Nigeria. Many countries are making active efforts to remove cash in circulation, Nigeria inclusive. Nigerians do not have many or current cashless services but there are ways in which Nigerians pay cashlessly. Here are few of them
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