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Electronic Payment Systems In Belarus

What is the first thing that comes to mind when we hear the word "online store"? Most likely, most of us think of a list of products with prices.
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Delivery Services In Belarus

Delivery Services In Belarus Home delivery is one of the safest ways to replenish food supplies during the coronavir...
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Education In Belarus

Belarus stands in the group of countries with a very high level of the Human Development Index (HDI). The literacy rate of the adult population of Belarus has always been one of the highest in the world and now reaches 99.7%. Belarus has reached the level of the most developed countries of the world in terms of the admission of children to primary and secondary schools. In recent years, the government has allocated at least 5% of GDP to the education system, which is not inferior to the amount of funding for education in developed European countries.
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Hot Business In Belarus

The economy of Belarus is the 114th economy in the world in terms of GDP per capita. Belarus is a medium-developed industrial and agricultural country. Business in Belarus developed slowly and quickly at the same time. Commerce developed at such a rate that you could buy a thing in one door and sell it in another one. Frankly speaking, it was difficult to call it a business.
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