Not Paris !? The number of Michelin-starred restaurants !

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Not Paris !? The number of Michelin-starred restaurants !

Have you ever minded about Michelin starred restaurants ?

Michelin is the global tire manufacturer .

They provide Guide book as well.

And there is Guide book for Restaurants.

Please read on if you are interested in Michelin guide and related Japanese words !

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Michelin Guide

Michelin surpassed Bridgestone in 2019 to keep the number one sales in the world and is one of the big three companies in the tire industry.

To promote the company’s products, they have begun to provide guidebooks to provide useful information to car travelers.

The Michelin Guide began with the free distribution of 35,000 copies in 1900.

It is updated every year except during the two wars, and has been charged since 1920.

Hotel and restaurant guides called red guides (English: red guide, French: le guide rouge) are famous.

In addition to facilities, business hours, budget, etc., the Red Guide will conduct its own research and post marks on comfort and food.

Among them, the rating of dishes called “stars” or “macaroons” indicated by 0 to 3 ” is very influential.

It has been announced that this rating will be given only to food, based on surveys and criteria based on universal methods such as anonymous surveys by mystery shoppers and visit surveys by revealing identity.

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Which city is No.1 ?

Chef, Cooking, Street, Costumer, Restaurant, Japan

The company Michelin is from France.

So I thought Paris‘s restaurants would be on the top.

Many Japanese visit France to learn cooking.

I know some of my friends visited Paris as well.

But it seems Paris is No.2 with 104 Michelin starred restaurants.

Tokyo is top with 230 Michelin starred restaurants.

Kyoto is also 2nd with 104 restaurants same with Paris.

Osaka is 4th with 99 restaurants.

New York is next with 76 starred restaurants.

5New York76
7Hong Kong64
8San Francisco54
Michelin guide 2019

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Let’s learn words related to Michelin guide !

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