Namal: A book you must read
Namal is an urdu novel, written by the great writer Umera Ahmed. A novel everyone needs to read. If you love reading, we bet you will never get enough of this novel, once you start it. Umera ahmed is a renowned author and screen writer of Pakistan. She has written many books and all of them were almost as good as this one, but you always get to choose your favorite and this one is popular.
Umera ahmed was born on 10th December 1976 in Sialkot. She got a Master degree in English literature from Murray College Sialkot and she taught primary and high school kids in Army Public school Sialkot. But she wanted to continue writing as it was her passion so she quitted her job so that she could focus on her writing career and that is why she has presented us a lot of books till now.
Namal novel is not about just one thing, it’s a blend of multiple stories, multiple incidents, love, hate, envy, family and all above that, this novel is about life.
“Namal” is an Arabic word which is used to mention ants in Quran (Muslims Holy book). Umera ahmed has very beautifully associated the love and struggle of family with the hard work ants do together to collect their food. Namal novel is full of suspense as well. You never know what is going to be happening next. You never get to know the character completely until the book is finished. This is a huge book, took readers a lot of days to finish it as people read it online, it was a bit difficult but readers couldn’t help the suspense, and goodness of this book. It was hardest to leave it and go somewhere every time until finishing the book.
In this book, things are told like a person never stays same for his/her whole life. they change with time, according to the circumstances. It’s not just like one hero and one heroine who are too good to handle, rich, good-looking, handsome, polite and all.
It’s about the real persons who have goodness and flaws altogether.
Introduction to the story:
Let’s talk some about the characters of the novel.
The story starts and revolves around bold, courageous and stubborn Zumar, who is aunt of 3 kids, one of which is Sadi Yusuf. Sadi is a young and talented boy, working as a scientist at one of his relatives’ office. He is the most favourite of his Phupho (Zumar), and just like a son, a brother and a friend. Sadi’s father died a few years ago so Sadi and Zumar played an important role in the bringing up of Haneen Yusuf and Osama Yusuf, younger siblings of Sadi.
Faris, Sadi’s uncle (the intelligence officer), who is a strong, nice but brutal man who spent his whole life, fighting and struggling, mostly alone. The story is about Faris being accused for his step brother’s murder and murder attempt on Zumar, who is a lawyer and was asked and insisted by Sadi to take Hi mamu’s(Faris) case and get him out of trouble after getting a fair trial.
Faris was supposed to meet Zumar at the restaurant, for the case discussion, when Zumar got shot and after fighting for his life, and staying sick for months, finally recovered. Zumar is not going to forgive Faris for the rest of her life, and will make sure that he gets what he deserved for doing a murder attempt and putting her life at stake.
The opposite party, who is the main villain and actually responsible for everything bad, that happens to Faris and Yusuf’s Family, is The beautiful, charming, queen-like lady Jawahiraat Kardaar and her sons. Hashim Kardaar who is a potential, powerful and handsome criminal lawyer, who once was so close to Sadi that he treated him like a brother. And Nausherwan Kardaar who is an envious brat and kind of a loser, who is wasting his life by taking drugs and envying Sadi Yusuf for being hot favorite always, in his class and in his family, more than Nausherwan.
Sadi’s sister is brilliantly genius and even an evil genius sometimes. She could get through anything along, just like his aunt Zumar. But some incidents happen in her life, which made that bold , strong and genius Haneen reserved and she started pretending to be an ordinary girl. She stopped using gadgets which once she was an expert at.
The story is about how this whole family combines their power, after Zumar gets to know the truth behind a murder attempt on her. She had to marry Faris Ghazi because his sick father said so, and also she wanted to take revenge on him, so she didn’t found a better way than marrying him. But later, she came to know that everything that happens in their life, was somehow planned by or connected to Kardaar family.
Nausherwan Kardaar shot Sadi Yusuf when he got a chance, due to all the grudge he had been keeping in his heart, against Sadi Yusuf, for no reason. Luckily, Sadi Yusuf didn’t die and Hashim had to cover for his brother’s crime so he made Sadi disappear.
Later, Shenever Sumar and Faris came to know that Hashim and Jawahiraat are behind everything they played smart, and got Sadi back after a lot of mutual efforts and help from Haneen.
In this fight against Kardaar’s, they lost a lot but they won at the end.
This is a must read novel. But only if you are strong enough to handle the pressure and suspense they leave you with, at the end of each episode. This novel won’t let you get bored, it could make you fall into deep grieve. Soft hearted people might cry as well, and next moment it can make you laugh out loud. Overall impression is that, this novel is a blend of mystery, envy, humor, love, hate and fake people. It is also about loyalty and fruitfulness. And that’s all readers could say as readers don’t want to ruin the fun and suspense for you if you plan to give it a read.

Thank you !