Does your government or company provide you health insurance ?
Are you satisfied with them ?
In Japan , basically , there are 2 kind of health insurance.
One is provided by Government (public).
The other is provided by Health Organizations (private).
And the law requires citizens to join one of health insurances.
Please read on if you are interested in Japanese Insurance system.
And let’s learn Japanese related to insurance !
When can we use Health Insurance ?
The law requires citizens to join one of health insurances.
So most people join one of health insurances.
Both types of insurance reduce the burden of medical expenses on the subscriber in case of illness or injury.
If people get problem and go to hospital , Health insurance help to pay 70%.
Actually ratio is depends on Your age.
Most people(6~70 years old) can get 70% support.
People who are under 6 can receive 100% support.
And people who are over 70 can get 80% support.
In addition, health insurance will support you even if your medical expenses become high.
For example, for subscribers with an annual income of up to about 3.7 million yen, the monthly self-pay upper limit is 57,600 yen.
All medical expenses that exceed this amount will be covered by health insurance.
Social insurance has a system called “Injury and Sickness Allowance” that supplements your salary when you have to take time off from work due to illness or injury.
You can receive two-thirds of your salary for up to one year and six months.
Health Insurance do not support if it is not judged diseases such as treatment of body odor, cosmetic surgery, LASIK surgery for myopia, childbirth , medical examination , etc.
Health Insurance also do not support Advanced medical.
Public Health Organization
Public Health Insurance is covered by insurance premiums paid by the subscribers and subsidies from the national and prefectural governments.
National health insurance (community insurance) for self-employed and non-regular employees.
In addition to insurance provided by local governments, this includes insurance run by the National Health Insurance Association of the same industry.
People who join public health insurance have to pay the insurance premium so that everyone can use the service with peace of mind.
Usually , people who work by themselves such as shop owner , barber ,restaurant owners, join Public Health Organization.
Private Health Organizations

There are many Health Organizations and Companies that provide insurance.
We can say Private Health Insurance as Occupational Insurance.
Occupational insurance includes “health insurance” for general employees (salarymen) and their dependents, and “mutual aid association” and “sailor insurance” for specific employees such as civil servants and seafarers and their dependents.
This includes insurance for health insurance associations and associations for those who work for companies, and insurance for mutual aid associations for civil servants.
Companies choose organization and contract with them.
Some Companies own their Health organization.
People who work for Company (employees) join Private Health Organization which company contract with.
Government Supports for Children

Aside from Insurance , government help children to go to hospital.
It is called a child medical expenses subsidy system.
This system provides support when a child to be subsidized goes to a medical institution (including an osteopathic clinic) or is hospitalized.
Government also support us if we receive medicine at an insurance pharmacy by out-of-hospital prescription.
All or part of the out-of-pocket medical expenses will be subsidized within the scope of insurance medical treatment.
Depends on the city but children will only pay few hundreds Japanese Yen for diagnosis.
That is very helpful.
Let’s learn Japanese related to Health Insurance!
English | Japanese | Hiragana | How to read |
Health Insurance | 健康保険 | けんこうほけん | Kenko Hoken |
Hospital | 病院 | びょういん | Byouin |
Doctor | 医者 | いしゃ | Isya |
Support | 補助 | ほじょ | Hojyo |
Child | 子供 | こども | Kodomo |
Government | 政府 | せいふ | Seihu |

Thank you !