Imtiaz Super Market
When it comes to the biggest super market in Pakistan, people of Pakistan now have more options then they ever had. Few years ago, not much people were aware of the concept of super markets very much. Or they didn’t simply like going there as they were able to find wanted grocery on their nearest retail shops on cheap prices.
But as soon as, more super stores kept opening, people started giving them a try and found it reliable and flexible to shop there for monthly grocery instead of shoving out again and again in need of small and daily usage things like sugar, tea etc.
So supermarkets kept opening one after another but some of them flopped right after they started due to high rates or unavailability of specific and common items.Some of them kept growing due to their customer friendly service, quality of products and economical prices. One of those very supermarkets we are talking about here is Imtiaz Super Market.
Imtiaz Super Market is one of the biggest super markets in Pakistan and it won’t be wrong if we say that if it keeps growing like this, it’s possible for them to make their way to an international market, if they want.
Imtiaz super market wasn’t always the same, biggest, most dominating and growing super market. They have a success story and it started from nothing more than a corner shop, back then in 1955.
And due to their hard work, honesty and passion of providing the best, they continued and expanded to this huge retail shop that they are right now. They have improved their quality, quantity and service which has been a key to their success and growing business since then and still going on.
Selling more for less
Imtiaz has this slogan of selling more for less. Which they have maintained till today even when it’s hard to sell cheap things. They are doing best job by providing a single stop solution to Pakistanis by offering more than 52,000 products and more than 10,000 brands. Best thing about Imtiaz Super market, that has played an important and huge role in the betterment of their quality and demand in the market is their economical, reasonable and customer-friendly prices.
Population of Pakistan, above than 50% belongs to middle class or lower-middle class. And today, when the economy of whole world is going nuts, due to pandemic COVID-19. Situation of Pakistan is no different in this worst case scenario caused by virus, and there are people who don’t get to eat as they have lost their jobs, or couldn’t find any. So these middle class and lower middle class people don’t find it any easy to do monthly grocery and especially when it comes to those top notch supermarkets who only work for elite class.
Imtiaz give people facility to shop everything at one place, starting from house hold items till fruits and vegetables. There is nothing you won’t be finding at Imtiaz. So there is a bulk of more than 400,000 loyal customers who go nowhere but Imtiaz to shop for their monthly grocery and what so ever they need.
Imtiaz has their business spread all over in big cities of Pakistan with more than 7,000 employees and 16 branches based in Islamabad, Karachi, Gujranwala, Faisalabad and Lahore. 16 branches, and many more to go. They give people facility to shop under one roof by providing them Imtiaz Mega, Imtiaz Super Market, and Imtiaz Xpress so they don’t have to go anywhere else no matter what it is that they want.
Vision of Imtiaz super market is “to be recognized as the best value provider”. Their mission is to provide best, unmatched services to the people all over the Pakistan, with the help of improving technologies and tools.
“We choose for others, what we choose for ourselves”.
Imtiaz treats you like a family by providing you the best retail shop with all the international brands you would want to try or you love to use. Imtiaz started introducing international brands since 1998 and now you can find everything you possibly be looking for, in best prices. No one can beat Imtiaz in their economical prices, good quality products and availability of huge and multiple brands.
What do you need?
Let’s talk a little about what you need and what you can find at Imtiaz. Let’s say, you are out of cooking oil, rice and some other groceries. You need to hurry to a store, but then suddenly you need an inhaler for your asthmatic kid, you don’t have a choice but to rush to do everything on your own. And when you rush out, you find out that you need a washcloth for your car and a foot mat on your main door is all messed up.
Reason of setting an example, is that you are going to find all of these things at Imtiaz super market. Imtiaz provide you all in one solution by giving you opportunity to shop everything at same place. Starting from household and kitchen items, including crockery, electronics and plastic products, from snacks for kids and adults, through the cereal, rice and all other groceries, fruits and vegetables, all kind of meat including chicken, fish, mutton and beef, whatever you like most.
Story doesn’t end here, and it’s not just about finding all things, it’s about the quality of these things, you are not going to get rotten vegetables, fruits or meat. Things like these, just comes and goes before people knows. They have a section fixed for medical as well. And their pharmacy is not just to be fulfilling the criteria of having medical facility. They have almost everything in stock every time you need it.
Overall, what we can say in short is that,
“from kids diapers to your favorite chocolate and your regular meds, you will find everything and at any time”.
Last but not the least, one of the perks of shopping at Imtiaz, is flexible timing, you can shop at 1 a.m. if you want.

Thank you !