Hot Business In Belarus
The economy of Belarus is the 114th economy in the world in terms of GDP per capita. Belarus is a medium-developed industrial and agricultural country.
Business in Belarus developed slowly and quickly at the same time. Commerce developed at such a rate that you could buy a thing in one door and sell it in another one. Frankly speaking, it was difficult to call it a business.
Business trends in Belarus are changing nowadays. Only few years ago you could see most of the business offline. But the times have changed and more and more businesses appear on the Internet now.
If you need anything from a clothing item to furniture, food – all this you can find online on website pages. And you can not only purchase, but also sell anything online such as mobile phones, cases for them, cars, flats and many other things. Today it becomes popular in Belarus for housewives to create an account on Instagram and sell some home-made pastry, candies in boxes, dedicated to a particular holiday.
In this country, the competition is not as strong as in the neighboring country of Russia. Retail trade is one of the most popular types of small and medium-sized businesses. Belarus, like other CIS countries, needs high-quality shoes, clothing and children’s goods.
CIS countries : Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kirghizstan, Moldavia, Uzbekistan, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine
What is well developed in Belarus? Of course, every true Belarusian will answer you. It’s agriculture. Therefore, doing business in the field of animal husbandry and crop production will be a good idea and will lead you to profit. Recently, agrotourism has become popular in Belarus. There are many villages in the country or on the outskirts that are abandoned. Houses are bought, improved a little bit and rented out. Such a recreation area is extremely popular among tourists in the warm season and during the New Year holidays. The house can be easily rented for large companies or families online.
Due to the sudden appearance of a pandemic and inadaptability of people to lockdown, both trucking and passenger transportation is gaining huge popularity. As well as taxi service.
The transportation service is a very profitable segment of the market. But the competition among taxi agencies is very high. Opening your own taxi from scratch is very difficult in the realities of modern competition. That’s why it’s common for people to unite in small groups and set up taxi agencies, which has become a very profitable business.
Online shops
Food delivery is a service that almost everyone has used. And food delivery to the office is a common thing for many. Indeed, this is a very profitable area in the catering business. It requires minimal investment and gives a quick feedback.
Sales of goods and services via the Internet have been gaining popularity in Belarus in recent years. Customers turn to online shops for various reasons: the availability of rare products, the convenience of choice, possibility of online payments. For business, online stores are more profitable, since investing in the opening of such a store is minimal. These shops are open around the clock, and the customer can always ask a question in a convenient form.
The pharmaceutical industry in Belarus
The pharmaceutical industry in Belarus is developing systematically and dynamically. More than in two decades, an entire industry has emerged from several companies. In recent years, this industry has been developing dynamically. Only in Minsk – capital of Belarus – there are 1775 pharmacies. Thus, in 2014, the republic produced pharmaceutical products on 439.4 million US dollars while in 2010 only on 227.4 million US dollars. More than 36 % of the production is exported. The export of Belarusian medicines is carried out in about 30 countries of the world, the main of which – more than 80% – is the CIS countries. The industry attracted more than US $ 56 million of foreign direct investment, including US $ 18.0 million in 2014.
When it comes to relaxing and recreation, the most popular places are quests, spas, coffee shops, game rooms, fitness clubs. Quests and quest rooms are a new type of entertainment for Belarus, gaining crazy popularity among the younger generation. As well as coffee shops. They have become wildly popular in Belarus over the past two years. Investing in such kind of business is a very profitable investment. A feature of this type of entertainment is the popularity among teens. Quests and coffee shops are an unoccupied niche in the entertainment industry, and in small cities, they are almost empty.
The modern world dictates its own fashion rules and a sport body has become a symbol of lifestyle. Fitness club is a place where people come not only for a healthy and beautiful body, but also to create a new society with its own requirements and standards of life. In the capital of Belarus there are no corners where you can not find even a small gym. People are crazy about healthy lifestyle and Instagram-like body and they are ready to pay a fortune to get this image. That´s why a fitness club is one of the hot businesses in Belarus.
These are the best businesses in Belarus with little investment. Belarus is full of the most effective business ideas and investment opportunities in each field. For this reason, you will be able to simply start your own personal business, if you invest in it with the right consideration and also having a conscientious promotion strategy.

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