How culture influence the health
The culture or the believes, values, behavior, attitudes, and customs of a country influence greatly the health of the nation.
Health culture can influence and determine the life expectancy, mortality, and morbidity rate within a country.
SriLankan live in a multicultural, multi-religious society.
So they have small differences among nations and religions but as a whole, the culture appears as same when viewed on the side of health.
Relationship between culture and health
Srilanka is an agriculture-based country.
Most people do gardening and they cultivate crops as a hobby.
So they can fulfill most of their daily needs from their own garden.
On another hand, they automatically get good physical exercises without their knowledge.
When observing the history of SriLankan, There are evidence about the giants who were more powerful and they had enough muscle power and body strength to build large water reservoirs known as tanks.
Still, the whole country and the cultivations depends on these large water bodies.
SriLankan history runs back to two thousand years.
They have faced several invasions from Portuguese, Dutch, and British during the past centuries.
So their culture encompasses the cultural background of these nations.
In the past, both men and women were treated the same.
Therefore up to today both men and women take the same position in the health care sector.
Cultural influences on health
South Asian genes increase the risk of non-communicable diseases like diabetes.
So Sri Lankans already face this risk and they increase their risk themselves as they consume a large number of carbohydrates.
But fortunately, they are able to manage diabetes because they use Natural sugar sources like “Kithul” instead of artificial sugar.
Traditional medicines of SriLankan
Srilankan pays their attention to their traditional medicinal methods than western medicine for the cure of non-communicable diseases, which have proven to cause lesser side effects and organ damage.
This is a successful method and they use plant and animal sources in their treatments.
Pros and cons of SriLankan culture
They have a bad practice.
They consume a lot of sweets during their festivals.
These cultures can increase the risk of diabetes and other no communicable diseases.
Sweats, oily and salty foods symbolize their tradition.
But currently, the whole population is educated and instructed regarding the risk of consuming sweets.
But unfortunately, some communities still practice sweat consumption.
They have the practice to add a lot of spices when preparing their meals.
This can increase the risk of gastric irritation but this is less common among Sri Lankans as they do not miss their meals, they have a habit of having breakfast early in the morning and they practice mediation within their religion which mainly helps in stress-relieving.
Most of the spices like pepper, cumin, cinnamon, garlic are important antioxidants and they help to boost up their metabolism.
This will help them to burn extra fat as they consume large meals including plates of rice.
Most Sri Lankans use fish instead of meat and they consume fully cooked meat and fish.
Which is safer than consuming half-cooked food.
They have a practice of adding lemon juice to green salads which improves iron absorption.
Significance of culture
The most precious thing among SriLankan is they donate blood and organs to others.
They consider this is a method to collect merits and they donate blood and organs free of charge.
They have a culture, where they help each and others in extreme situations.
They care for and feed their children until they get married and until they complete the education.
So their children are under parental guidance.
Therefore they have less risk for substance abuse.
But this parental security can affect them badly because it takes time for them to become independent.
Traditions and health
They have their own artistic traditions.
These traditions including upcountry, low country, Sabaragamuwa dancing, and music techniques are practiced since childhood.
So the children and teenagers have become more active as they engage in one of this traditional art.
Even within the western health care system, they use their cultures and enclosed their traditions in some situations.
For example, they use papaya prior to wood toileting as papain which is included in papaya help in wound debridement and healing.
Srilanka is considered a middle-income country so they face both communicable and non-communicable diseases.
People use both western medicine and alternative methods so they can speed up the process of curing.
How culture affect positively on health
As they have a quality free health service and free education they have a good health status.
Compare to developing countries the occurrence of birth defects and anomalies are less as they do not expose much to teratogens.
Since childhood, they practice good hygiene and the environment they live in is safe, they do not expose to radiation therefore the risk of developing mutations and anomalies is very less.
Within the culture, a huge consideration is given to women and pregnant mothers so the risk of delivering disable babies is less.
The government of Srilanka tries its best to enhance the health and wellbeing of the nations.
They have eradicated infectious diseases like poliomyelitis through the proper immunization schedule.
According to the Srilankan policies and social values, it is prohibited to telecast anything that promotes smoking and alcoholism through the media.
So these steps will protect the younger generation from getting addicted.
Health is not only being healthy physically.
It is the completion of physical, mental, and social wellbeing.
The cultural background of Srilanka will provide chances for social interactions and religious activities to develop spiritual wellbeing.
The counseling programs conducted by the religious leaders will help the people to release their stress and help to build up the mental wellbeing.
When compared to other south Asian countries and developed countries the infant mortality rate is very less.
And also the incidences of child abuse are less common as they have a well-organized cultural background.
They have a long lifespan as they expose to less risk factors.
When the overall performance is measured the Srilanka is having quality health among nations and they live happier within their cultures and they get the advantages from their own culture and the western culture to enhance their health.
Let’s learn Japanese related to health
English | Japanese | Hiragana | How to read |
Sri Lanka | スリランカ | すりらんか | Surirannka |
Health | 健康 | けんこう | Kenkou |
Carbohydrates | 炭水化物 | たんすいかぶつ | Tansuikabutu |
Culture | 文化 | ぶんか | Bunnka |
Sugar | 砂糖 | さとう | Satou |

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