Security and safety in Pakistan
When we talk about security, it’s the most considerable thing when you think about touring your own country or some other country. Security and safety are the most wanted facilities you could ask for, while you are travelling.
Crime rate has been really high lately due to the pandemic. Yes, one huge reason for increase in crime rate during these past few months is COVID-19 pandemic. Which is because people are not getting enough to eat, some are not getting to eat at all. Everything was shut down to lock down, which affected the whole community but specifically those who were working on daily wages. People lost jobs, because even big companies weren’t able to pay all of their employees as they were not earning enough so they shortened their staff which ended up in more jobless, hungry and devastated families.
Not all of them, but some of them who couldn’t think of any other way, moved intentionally or unintentionally towards crime. This is why the crime rate in Pakistan was a little higher since past few months, otherwise Pakistan is a very secure country. We couldn’t have said that a few years ago, as the terrorism was resurging in Pakistan so that people of Pakistan were afraid to go out, thinking rather they would be able to come back or not. Then the army chief General Raheel Shareef, chief of the army staff, took hold of the terrorism department, and gave it intense importance that was needed.
He organized few operations like operation Zarb-e-Azb and war in North-west Pakistan, which he handled himself. The target was to take down those terrorists and militants who have been conducting terror attacks, killing and injuring a lot of people and scaring people to death. In operation Zarb-e-Azb, Pakistan army was against various militants and terrorists’ groups known as TTP (Tehrik-e-Talibaan), Lashkar-e-Jhangvi and al-Qaeda. This is one they took care of the 80% of Terrorism in Pakistan and people of Pakistan finally came to live with peace.
After that, terrorism in Pakistan turned down by 89% in 2017 since its peak in 2009, said by South Asian Terrorism Portal Index (SATP). According to National Counter Terrorism Authority (Necta), Pakistan faced peak of the Terrorist attacks in 2014, but after the operation Zarb-e-Azb, they turned down significantly.
This operation caused a huge difference in the ratio of terrorist attacks and deaths of civilians associated with them. That was all due to Pakistan forces. In operation Zarb-e-Azb “named on sword of Prophet (PBUH)”. They took down leaders of TTP and militants grouped named as Baitullah Mehsud, Hakimullah Mehsud and Mullah Fazlullah in 2009, 2013 and 2018 respectively. This operation began in 2014, when the terrorism reached on top, after the attack on Karachi airport that year in month of June and after the rage got even stronger after the TTP attack on Army Public school in December that year in which they killed more than 130 children. Since 2017, the operation entered in new stage of Ëlimination”, while there was no clue that how many Talibans were killed or have just displaced through Pak-Afghan border. That new phase named as Mission Radd-ul-Fasaad which genuinely means “End of all the dissention”.
After that, Pakistan was in much better and safer condition since all of those militants and Talibans were gone. They still try sometimes to get back and take revenge but Pakistan forces and Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) takes care of them every time. And the credit all goes to General Raheel Shareef.
Now, that Pakistan’s chief of Army staff has been changed since General Raheel Shareef has retired but people still remembers him in good words and keep praying for him.
One of the most recent attempt of terror attack has been failed by our brave rangers of CTD forces, a group of Terrorists who were trying to attack Sindh Assembly with the vehicle full of ammunition and with the coverage of suicidal jackets with them. successfully taken down with the help of Pakistan forces.
Peaceful Pakistan:
Pakistan is one of peaceful country now and a lot safer as compared to what it was ten years ago. Pakistan army has done a great job and sacrificed their soldiers to lock the safety of Pakistan. So no one could get in and harm this beautiful and peaceful country. We cannot say that all crime is disappeared and terrorists are long gone. Few incidents still happen, like a terrorist group came out of blue or regular street crimes, but that’s nothing that can’t be taken care of, when they can handle situation like they had in 2014.
Though regular street crimes are part of every country since it’s what that can’t be terminated completely. And a country composed of good and bad people. Struggling with poverty, crime, illiteracy, unemployment, Pakistan is working hard as a nation to get out of the hard times, in the hope of good times.
But what makes Pakistan most beautiful, safer, peaceful and perfect to visit is the “People of Pakistan”. If you are a tourist and you ever want to visit Pakistan, we suggest you to give it a try, gather your courage and visit Pakistan for once. And you will never forget the striking views, mesmerizing places and above all, affectionate and warm-hearted people of Pakistan. We assure you are never going to find people like Pakistanis anywhere in the whole world.
So, whenever you plan a trip outside your country, make sure you can add Pakistan in your wish list. You will not be disappointed by the beautiful and close to nature places as well as people who will make you feel like a family.
Pakistan is safer, much secured as people of Pakistan love peace and they don’t want any trouble with any other country or religion. All thanks to Counter Terrorism Department (CTD), Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS), Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), Pakistan forces including army, navy, air force, police department and all those people who are fulfilling their duties with whole heart, honesty and patriotically.

Thank you !